SVM 1- Welcome and Overview

Table of Contents/ Curriculum / Content

If you would like a print out of the curriculum, you may print it out from a brochure located at

THE TRAINING MANUAL- The video mentions a training manual. Please note, the manual is divided up by chapter. Each chapter of the manual is available for download by clicking on the download option on each pdf link for each chapter.

Why? When we first recorded the video, we were going to have the entire manual in one section. Once we learned how the online training platform works, we had to adjust the manual to a chapter-by-chapter format. Thank you for your understanding.

Welcome and Overview

Welcome to the Supervised Visitation Monitor Training provided by Family & Children’s Counseling Services, Inc, - or FCCS. My name is Melinda Haynes. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist (CA LMFT 102308), Director and Clinical Supervisor with FCCS.

This training is applicable to Non-professional and Professional Providers of Supervised Visitation in all 50 United States. 

Individual State Laws related to Supervised Visitation: Make sure you check your state for any additional requirements.

The State of California requires Supervised Visitation Monitors to complete 24 hours of training that covers various legal, psychological, social, and record-keeping aspects of being a Provider of Supervised Visitation services.  This training will cover the 24 hours of training required pursuant to California Family Code Section 3200.5(d)(1) and Standard 5.20. 

If you have not downloaded the training manual, please pause this video and do so now. NOTE: The training manual has been uploaded chapter by chapter. Scroll down to find each chapter in a pdf document as you progress through this training.

As required by California Standard 5.20 and Family Codes 3200 and 3200.5, this video training series will cover the following topics:

(A) The role of a professional provider.

(B) Child abuse reporting laws.

(C) Recordkeeping procedures.

(D) Screening, monitoring, and termination of visitation.

(E) Developmental needs of children.

(F) Legal responsibilities and obligations of a provider.

(G) Cultural sensitivity.

(H) Conflicts of interest.

(I) Confidentiality.

(J) Issues relating to substance abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence.

(K) Basic knowledge of family and juvenile law.

Most of these topics will be covered during our video series. Some of the topics will be covered with other resources, including off-site videos or courses. Links will be provided, when applicable. You will also get opportunities to practice with vignettes, worksheets and role play. 

If you are working for an agency, you should be provided with the opportunity to job shadow.

There is a comprehensive test at the end of all video segments. You will be required to pass this quiz with at least an 80% in order to earn your certificate for completing the course.

In this series, will be using the words “Monitor” and “Provider” interchangeably. These terms will apply to both Professional and Nonprofessional Supervised Visitation Monitors, unless otherwise specified.

Before moving on to our next segment, your homework assignment is to answer these questions:

1)     Why do you want to be a Supervised Visitation Monitor?

2)     What are some challenges you think you might face in this role?

3)     What are your personal strengths that will help you be a successful Monitor?

Again, welcome. I’ll see you again at the second video, The Role of the Supervised Visitation Monitor- Use of the Term “Certified”

Family & Children’s Counseling Services, Inc. is a California LMFT Corporation owned and directed by Melinda Haynes, MA, LMFT 102308. You can find FCCS online at

Reminder: You will need to answer any questions at the end of each chapter. These questions are the Quiz for that chapter. You must complete each Quiz to move forward to the next chapter. Quizzes are there to ensure understanding.

SVM- EMP-Welcome and Overview up.pdf
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